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Pastore Maremmano Grande Guerra in the Big War
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National meeting Todi of Maremman sheeper Dog

A beautiful sunny day in late October in the green heart of Italy: Umbria, a warm participation as an expression of a desire to return to the primitive and the simple things, have made it possible to conduct the event. The meeting of all those who love nature and the beauty that it still offers, tied to their land, in a very particular spirituality, want in it and for it to revive the tradition of the main activities: agriculture and pastoralism. The narrow warm hands, pats on the sturdy shoulders that people usually exchanges the good, have enlivened the meetings in an estimation context and frank and sincere mutual respect. A so thanks to all participants who have demonstrated to believe in certain values ​​and who want to support them in perfect consistency.

National meeting Todi of Maremman sheeper Dog